Brody Enli is a young holiday hero in Oshkosh who has been designing Christmas light shows and collecting donations from visitors for local charities for the last several years. He began putting up lights outside of his family’s home when he was seven years old, and his displays grew as he did. In 2018, he started including synchronized music for the whole community to enjoy.
We were lucky enough to interview this incredible kid in 2021 and learn more about how it got started, what goes into preparing a show, and hear about his favorite holiday things!

Brody’s Lights for Charity 2022-23 Show Details
Address: 1874 Westbreeze Drive, Oshkosh
Radio Station: 88.3 FM
Hours: Sunday – Thursday: 5 – 9 pm, & Fridays – Saturdays: 6 -10 pm
Dates: November 24, 2022 – January 1, 2023
Website for donations and updates
Go Oshkosh Kids: How old are you? How did your light shows start?
BRODY: I’m currently 12 years old. My family takes me to see synchronized Christmas light displays every year. I had always wanted to see how it was done and maybe even set up a display myself! It really expanded into what it is now three years ago when my show first played to music. I didn’t have as expandable and nice of a system then, and it played the music out loud. The next year, I had a crazy idea. I researched the popular lighting systems that most bigger shows use, and I proposed my idea to my parents.
GOK: How do you pick the charity you partner with?
BRODY: Before I started looking for charities, I decided to try to support a charity for kids. I looked around, and I found the community pantry’s Food4Kids program. This year, I started looking for another charity to support. I really agree with The Oshkosh Kids Foundation’s goals, and I think it’s super cool for me to be able to support kids like me.
GOK: How long does it take to put the light show together? What goes into planning it?
BRODY: This year, I started putting up my light show in late September, but I actually started sequencing on my computer in August. There’s a bunch of planning that goes into my show. First, I have to figure out what I want to do that year. Then, I try to see how much I can reasonably do with my time and budget. For example, I would have loved to add roof outlines this year, but I just didn’t have the time to get them all put together. In total, I would estimate I’ve spent over 250 hours on my show between sequencing, putting up, and fixing.
GOK: How long do you hope to have your holiday light show?
BRODY: My goal is to keep my light shows running until I permanently move out of this house, perhaps after college. At that point, I’ll have to figure it all out with my parents. I really enjoy what I do, and it makes me super happy to know other people do too.
GOK: What is your dream job for when you get older?
BRODY: I have a lot of jobs I would like to take up when I grow older, but one of my dream jobs would probably be a software developer. I love to code as a hobby, and I feel like I would really enjoy doing it for my job.
GOK: What would you say to someone who has not seen your show to encourage them to see it?
BRODY: I would probably mention my mega arches because of how unique they are and how proud I am of them.
Brody’s Favorite Things About the Holidays
GOK: Favorite Christmas song(s)?
BRODY: Honestly, I like all Christmas songs, and I’ve always had a hard time choosing a favorite song. If I was forced to pick, probably Silent Night, Carol of the Bells, and Let it Snow.
GOK: White Christmas or warm weather?
BRODY: I love the snow, especially on Christmas Day, but it can be a pain for putting up my show and just being outside in general. I enjoy playing in the snow, but I prefer for it only to last for a few months before the warm weather comes back.
GOK: Favorite holiday drink?
BRODY: I don’t drink too many holiday drinks like that, but my favorite would probably have to be hot chocolate.
GOK: Favorite holiday treat?
BRODY: My Nana’s peanut butter blossoms with caramel kisses on top are my favorite!
GOK: Favorite Christmas movie?
BRODY: Home Alone has always been my favorite Christmas movie.
GOK: Does your family typically trim an artificial tree or live tree?
BRODY: We always put up an artificial tree to decorate because it’s much less of a hassle to set up, take down, and clean up after. I don’t do much of the decorating inside, though. I leave that for my twin sister! She even has an extensive nutcracker collection.

GOK: Most memorable Christmas present you received?
BRODY: I’d say the most memorable Christmas present I’ve ever received was a present I got from my aunt when I think I was four. As you probably heard, I’ve always been into basically everything related to electricity. My aunt built me a sort of cabinet with outlets of various types all over it. I absolutely loved playing with it.
GOK: After the holidays what is your favorite thing to do in winter?
BRODY: Just like most other kids, I love building snowmen and snow forts with friends. My least favorite thing after the snow melts, though, is having to take back down my show!
GOK: Anything else you want to share with our readers?
BRODY: Just that all monetary donations this year will go to the Oshkosh Kids foundation, all non-perishable food items will go towards the Oshkosh Area Community Pantry, and new and gently used children’s books will be distributed through The Oshkosh Area United Way. Also, if you come to my show, I hope you enjoy watching it as much as I enjoy putting it up!
Thanks to Brody for letting us get to know more about your light shows and holiday favorites. The team at Go Oshkosh Kids hopes you have a great turnout at your light display this year and appreciate your talent and generosity to the community!!!
How to Donate
There is a Candy Cane for Cash and a red box for non-perishable food donations right outside the display. All non-perishable food items go to the Oshkosh Area Community Pantry. New and gently used children’s books go to The Oshkosh Area United Way.